The purrs and grrrss of a wandering and wondering Kat
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy TET @ Happy Lunar New Year.
Chuc Mung Nam Moi 2008..... Happy Lunar New Year 2008

TET is the Vietnamese version of the Chinese New Year, also a celebration of a new year in the Lunar calender. This is the biggest cultural celebration in Vietnam and is the most celebrated holiday season here. The culture is very similar to the Chinese culture (even if they do not admit to that). They have the same 12 years animal sign with slight differences - Instead of the rabbit year, the have the Cat year ( what a coincidence one might say.... Kat born in a Cat/Rabbit year).

One try for guessing what zodiac year it is this year......

I am getting mixed reviews about this Rat year. What I heard generally this is a difficult year. However, hard work will be rewarded. We shall see. Cats are by nature quite lazy creatures... wonder what will happen to us.. we shall see.....kakaka.

Zillions and zillions of motorbike... quite a typical scene in Ho Chi Minh City, except maybe during the wee hours of the weekend mornings.

They are everywhere, on the street, pavement, anywhere with an inch gap of space.. Crossing the road is a fun challenge. Best thing to do is to close your eyes, walk slowly. InsyaAllah the force shall be with you. Try it. Test it. Make sure you have your insurance in place as a precaution...:)

My very own limau tree, courtesy of Sedona Suites Management;

It's supposed to bring you good luck for the year. Before i left the limau was still green and not eadable. By the time I came back after the hols the tree was gone! Cleaners removed it cos it probably died due to lack of water and sunshine.. Aiyo...No chance to eat the limau. Hope my luck doesn't go away with it....

Below are some pictures of the decorations along the main streets in District 1 in Ho Chi Minh City. Each year the Vietnamese government spend lots of money to come up with a unique design for the whole street. Nguyen Hue Street is closed during the public holiday period for the public to wonder around , perhaps admire the decos and take photos. (Btw, Vietnamese LOVE to take photos, complete with the peace hand sign...)


scratched by Scatty-Kat @ 1:37 AM  
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Name: Scatty-Kat
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Most cats, when they are Out want to be In, and vice versa, and often simultaneously. That is me. Itchy feet. Restless. Dreams about grass being greener on the other side
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